
Firstly, I’d like to wish my good friend DANIEL SALISBURY a Happy 21st Birthday.

So far in B20 x S40, I’ve not really spoken much about my experiences of Birmingham, but more about my own personal thoughts and opinions on life in general. So on Friday (19th February), I decided to venture into the city with my camera and my friend, BETH (who is also from originally from S40).

After walking along the canal from Brindley Place to the Mailbox and back, we visited the Ikon Gallery where we saw exhibitions from Clare Rojas and Portuguese filmmakers João Maria Gusmão and Pedro Paiva.

Clare Rojas’ exhibition entitled ‘We They, We They’ incorporates many techniques and styles used in graphic design and print-making with the use of bold colour to create some visually appealing pieces in a very unique style.

I particularly liked her paintings on antique banjos.

As for the work by João Maria Gusmão and Pedro Paiva, it did not appeal to me as much as Clare Rojas’ work. A lot of the films, although visually very nice, did not really seem to have much point to them. Perhaps I’m missing out on some greater meaning behind the slow motion video of an egg frying or the video of a man eating a plate. Having said this, it is obvious that a lot of effort has gone into the exhibition, which has been 5 years in the making.

To see all of the pictures from the day, click HERE

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